John 'Brad' Bradbury, bubnjar The Specialsa, preminuo je jučer 28. prosinca, a uzrok smrti još nije potvrđen. John 'Brad' Bradbury bio je ključni dio stvaranja njihovog two tone zvuka, a The Specialsima se pridružio 1979. godine i ostao sve do njihovog raspuštanja 1984. te je sudjelovao u njihovom ponovnom okupljanju 2008. godine. Na službenoj stranici The Specials poručuju:
"He was much respected in the world of drumming and his style of reggae and ska was seen as genuinely ground breaking when The Specials first hit the charts in 1979. He was an integral part of The Specials reforming in 2008 and toured with them extensively up to the present day. His contribution to the world of music can not be understated and he will much missed by family, friends and fans alike. It is the families sincerest wish that they are allowed the time to remember him privately."