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4. Veljača 2015

Laurent: "8°6 CREW is a band of old friends"

Intervju s bubnjarom iz francuskog ska benda

Bliži nam se još jedno izdanje zimskog Skavillea u sklopu kojeg gostuje legendarni francuski sastav 8°6 CREW. Iako je najavljena zimska prognoza, očekujemo da će biti jako, jako vruće! Obzirom da je koncert pred vratima, malo smo si pospikali s bubnjarem Laurentom. Što nas čeka 6.2. u Attacku, saznajte u nastavku...

Reggae hr: You started as a street punk band in the mid-nineties, why did you turn on the ska and reggae?

Laurent (8°6 CREW): At the beginin we were 4 and also playing ska music. Quickly, horns has arrived and it was natural to turn on ska.

Reggae hr: What did ska and reggae brought in your music career?
Laurent (8°6 CREW): Meeting a lot of different people, music bands and discover European countries.

Reggae hr: Did you expect such a success of your first album "Bad Bad Reggae"?
Laurent (8°6 CREW): Honestly no, it was a big surprise cause it was our first album with some defaults.

Reggae hr: It's been almost five years since the release of "Old Reggae Friends". When can we expect from a new material?
Laurent (8°6 CREW): We have news songs thtat we play on stage and we have the project to record a new album at the end of this year.

Reggae hr: You already played on Skaville Winter Festival 2011. What we can expect on this show in Zagreb (6.2.2015. @ Attack)?
Laurent (8°6 CREW): The first time we played in Zagreb is still a great memories for the band. For the next shows, we will play news song and oldies with a great pleasure!!!

Reggae hr: On a cover of an album „Old Reggae Friends“ is a football pitch, but it's not the famous PSG pitch, are you fans of some local Paris club?
Laurent (8°6 CREW): Yes, we support the RED STAR FC, a very old team, closed to Paris, playing in 3rd division.

Reggae hr: What the 8'6 Crew means to you personally? Is it a big friendship and love for the music? You don't have big tours whole year, you have your everyday jobs and still after all these years, the band is here for the fans.
Laurent (8°6 CREW): First, 8°6 CREW is a band of old friends, that's the most important.  We love differnet styles of music and I think you can find it in the way we play our music. We're not formated 2 tone, skinhead reggae, we just play ska or reggae as we feel it. We can't have big tour cause we're not professionnal, we have our jobs, children but it's always a pleasure to play for the people who likes your music.

Merci and see you soon!


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