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5. Svibanj 2016

Dub kralj Leedsa: "Glazba je ugrađena u moju krv i DNA."

Interview: Mark /  Iration Steppas 


Uoči subotnjeg nastupa u Sirupu, popričali smo s energičnim Markom iz Iration Steppasa koji nam je otkrio zašto se "ulovio" baš za dub, kakva je scena u Engleskoj i kakvim bespućima lutaju dubbavi zvukovi od ranih 80-ih do danas!

Reggae hr: Svaki ljubitelj (stepper) duba čuo je za vašu glazbu, no voljeli bismo znati nešto više o vašim počecima i glazbenoj pozadini? Kakvu ulogu je reggae/dub imao u vašem glazbenom "odrastanju"?
Mark: Dok sam išao u školu imali smo predmet koji se zvao "Religijski odgoj" na kojem je svatko mogao predstaviti glazbu s kojom se poistovjećuje i ja sam izabrao reggae. Imao sam ujaka koji je imao sound system i vodio me na testiranje zvuka, "clasheve" sound systema i velike partyje. Tako da se ta ljubav razvijala do 80-ih kada sam osnovao svoj sound system, Ital Rockers koji je postao kasnije Iration Steppas početkom 90-ih. U tom periodu izdao sam house stvar, "Itals Anthem" i to je bila era eksperimetiranja i početak Iration Steppasa. Reggae volim zbog svoje mame; ona mi je prva kupila gramofon. Cijeli moj glazbeni razvoj izgrađen je kroz moju obitelj. I kroz sound system mog ujaka, tako da sam bio stalno okružen glazbom. No tada sam slušao različitu glazbu, i Michael Jacksonov pop i James Brownov funky ritam. Svako vrijeme donosi svoju glazbu, no na kraju se žanrovi isprepliću.

Reggae hr: S kakvim ste žanrovima eksperimentirali dok ste gradili temelje za Iration Steppas?
Mark: Volim hip hop i house, posebno iz 80-ih kad je Chicago house bio jako popularan. No reggae umjetnici kao što su Johnny Clarke, King Tubby, Prince Jammy, Denis Brown, Bob Marley, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Mad Professor, Scientist, Roots Radix su bili revolucionari koji su utjecali na reggae. Kao što sam ranije spomenuo, ujak je imao hi-fi sound u našoj kući koji je svirao cijelo vrijeme. Tako da je glazba ugrađena u moj DNK.

Reggae hr: Mislite li da je istina kada kažu da se dub utopio u digitalnom techno zvuku? Ako jest, je li to dobro ili loše?
Mark: Smatram da je reggae glazba učiteljica skoro svake glazbe. Prije ikakvog hip hopa, junglea i techna. Reggae je broj jedan i svi su od tog žanra krali da mogu raditi ovo što radiš danas. Različite brzine, bpm-ovi, zvukovi i efekti utjecali su na razvoj techna, junglea i dubstepa recimo, no reggae je temelj. I tako je dub postao nit vodilja. To nije nikakav problem, ali ljudi bi trebali odati počast reggaeu i zahvaliti se što su dobili takvu vodilju i inspiraciju.

Reggae hr: Kako biste opisali dub nekome tko takvu glazbu nikada u životu nije čuo?
Mark: Ovisi kako DJ svira, ili kakav sound system svira i kakvi su utjecaji na njihov rad. Iskreno, dub jako dobro zvuči na velikim zvučnicima, manji su druga priča. No ako pitate mene, ne mogu biti objektivan jer mogu reći samo super stvari o tome jer ja to volim i mene to pogađa. "Strese" mi čitavo tijelo hahahaha!

Reggae hr: Kako je to organizirati dub party u Engleskoj? Je li to sve još u underground vodama?
Mark: Je, još uvijek je sve undergroud; održava se po skladištima i manjim klubovima, no garantiran je barem jedan party tjedno. Gdje god da se događa uvijek je na tjednoj bazi i bude baš "opako". Ima nekoliko popularnijih promotora i organizatora kao npr. University of dub u Londonu gdje je rezident Aba Shanti, onda Teachings in dub u Bristolu ili naše dub večeri SubDub. Možete čuti i vidjeti različite sound systeme svako malo. Ako imate novaca možete si priuštiti bilo kakav party i/ili program, no na kraju sve ovisi o publici. Ako je publika zainteresirana, upalit će svaki put. Tako da je organizacija ovdje jako fer u smislu da svatko može organizirati što god želi ako ima resurse.

Reggae hr: Što je najbolje kod live svirke? Jeste li još nervozni prije nastupa?
Mark: To je vrlo prirodno za mene, nisam sramežljiv niti tremu ne osjećam. Ja samo sviram i volim kad su ljudi zadovoljni mojim radom. To je najveća sreća koju proživljavam!

Reggae hr: Koje suradnje najviše pamtite?
Mark: Johnny Clarke je jedan od mojih najdražih izvođača s Jamajke, kao i Luciano, Horace Andy, Ranking Joe... Svi oni su veliki umjetnici i uvijek je zadovoljstvo s njima surađivati. Ima to nešto u jamajkanskim pjevačima; donose tu energiju, glas, stav... Cijeli paket! 

Reggae hr: Što možemo očekivati od vas u bližoj budućnosti?
Mark: Mislim da će nešto izaći tijekom ljeta ili nakon, vidjet ćemo. Saznat ćete sve na vrijeme!

Reggae hr: Poruka za kraj...
Mark: Ljudi, dođite, bit će nam odlično! Sretnici ste jer imate jako lijepu zemlju s puno više sunčanih dana nego ovdje. U Engleskoj nema baš sunca. Jedva čekam da vidim publiku u Zagrebu i nemojte ovo propustiti jer imam iznenađenja za vas!! 

Dodatna slika 1

[english version]
-Dub kings of Leeds: " The music was embedded in my blood and DNA."

Reggae hr: Every (stepper) dub lover has heard about your music, but we would like to know something about your begginings and your music background?
Mark: Back in the school days we had a subject called „Religious Education“, so everybody could represent and express the music with whom they identify with and I chose reggae. I had a cousin who had a sound system and he was taking me to sound checks, partys that looked like big dances with sound system clashes. So this love has been developing till the 80s when I started my own sound system, „Ital Rockers“, which later became „Iration Steppas“ at the begining of the 90s. At that time, I released the house tune called „Itals Anthem“, and that was the „experimenting“ era and the beginings of Iration Steppas.

Reggae hr: The main reason you chose reggae/dub is…? What role did it have in your musical development?
Mark: I love reggae because of my mother; she was the one who bought me a first gramophone. My music development was built in the surrounding of my family. And my uncle had this huge reggae collection, so I was always surrounded by music. But back then I was into various kinds of music, like Michael Jackson's pop or James Brown's funky rythm. Every time brings its own music so at some point everything becomes entwined one way or another.

Reggae hr: Which genres have you been experimenting with while constructing the foundation with Iration Steppas?
Mark: I like hip-hop and house, especially from the 80s when Chicago house was very popular. But reggae artists like Johnny Clarke, King Tubby, Prince Jammy, Denis Brown, Bob Marley, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Mad Professor, Scientist, Roots Radix are the revolutionaries who influenced reggae music. As I mentioned earlier, my uncle had a hi fi sound system in our house and the music was playing all the time. So the music was embedded in my blood, in my DNA.

Reggae hr: From your point of view, is it true when it is said that dub is „drowning“ in more of a digital-techno sound? If it's true, is it good or bad?
Mark: Reggae music was a teacher, if I may say, of almost any kind of music.Before any hip hop, jungle or techno. Reggae was the first and everyone stole from it to make what they do now. Different kinds of speed, bpm, sound, noises, beats influenced techno, jungle or dubstep, but reggae was the foundation. That way, dub became a leader. It's not a problem, but people should give a „big up“ to reggae, you know, say „Yo, give thanks!“

Reggae hr: How would you describe dub music to someone who never heard anything about it?
Mark: Depends on what DJ is playing, what sound system is playing and their influences. Honestly, dub sounds good through big and strong speakers, like anything. Small sound systems are another story. Every DJ has its own story. But if you ask me, I can't be impartial, I can say just great things, because I love and it I feel it. It hits all the structure in my body hahahha!

Reggae hr: What is it like to arrange a dub party in UK? Is it still strictly undergound?
Mark: Still very underground here in England, kept in warehouses or smaller clubs, but you're guaranteed to have a dance party during the week. Somewhere, anywhere, but it's happening on a weekly basis, and it's very strong.There are a few very popular organisations that promote roots and culture programs and partyes such as „University of dub“ in London by Aba Shanti, „Teachings in dub“ in Bristol or our dub evenings „SubDub“. You can see different sound systems playing there every once in a while. If you have money you can do anything you want, any night or program you want because in the end, everything depends on the crowd. If the crowd is interested, it's going to work every time. So, that's quite fair here, if you have resources you're allowed to organise anything you want.

Reggae hr: What is the best thing about playing live? Are you still nervous before the gig?
Mark: It's a very natural thing for me, I'm not shy, I'm not nervous before the gig...I just perform, and I love making people happy with my work. It's the biggest joy for me!

Reggae hr: Which collaborations would you mention as the most memorable?
Mark: Johnny Clarke, he's one of my favourite singers from Jamaica, also Luciano, Horace Andy, Ranking Joe...All of them are big artists and it's always a big pleasure to collaborate with such musicians. There's something in Jamaican singers, they bring the energy, the voice the attitude...Whole package!

Reggae hr: What can we expect from you in the near future?
Mark: I hope something will be released during the summer or after, we'll see. I will let you know!

Reggae hr: Anything else you want to add?
Mark: People, come, it's going to be a great night! Well, you're very lucky; you have a very nice country and much more sunny days than here. We don't get much sunshine in England. Can't wait to see the crowd in Zagreb, don't miss it because I have some surprises for you!

Tekst:   Lovorka Ibrić

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