U novoj epizodi emisije Reggae Fever ponovo su se bavili relevantnom temom ekonomskog ropstva u jamajčanskoj muzici.
1. The Creation Steppers - "Kill Nebuchadnezzar" & Dub
2. Misty In Roots - "Economical Slavery"
3. Special A - "Kill Nebhucadnezzer" & Dub
4. Don Carlos - "Plantation" & Dub
5. Barry Brown - "Release the Chains" & Dub
6. Martin Campbell - "The Boss" & Dub
7. The Wailing Souls - "Modern Slavery" & Dub
8. Reggae George - "Three Wicked Men"
9. Jah Warriors - "Down There"
10. Doniki - "Ha Fi Get Away" & Version
11. FC Apatride UTD - "Sing ye"
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