Mellow Mood udružili su snage sa španjolskim vokalnim triom Emeterians kako bi objavili zajednički singl "I And I Chant". Napisan usred trenutne pandemije, "I And I Chant" donosi izrazito roots zvuk, jer ništa bolje ne može prenijeti poruku nade i volje. "I And I Chant" producirao je i miksao Paolo Baldini DubFiles.
Jacopo Garzia, jedan od frontmena Mellow Mooda i autora teksta opisuje "I And I Chant" riječima: "This song wants to interpret the events that involve us, especially the difficult and painful ones, as a possibility of growth. What is happening today can be a push for improvement, both personal and social. However, we must undertake a path that makes us see the good in all the evil, and that at the same time does not lead us into naive illusions, but rather gives us the strength to build faith in life in ourselves and push us to do the right thing".
Garzia nastavlja: "The idea of the collaboration with Emeterians came up immediately in my head while I was writing the chorus. The melody made me imagine roots choirs and a meditative, groundation atmosphere, and the Emeterians are absolute specialists in this field".
Videospot nastupa uživo snimljen u Capitol Theatreu u Pordenoneu (Italija) s oba benda zajedno s dub verzijom Paola Baldinija, trebao bi biti objavljen 20. prosinca.