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31. Srpanj 2015

Predstavljamo Zeytin

Razgovor sa Seasplash festivala
Melissa Clissold, Metin Özçakır, YunusKart, Erhan Keskin i Alper Çakıroğlu osnovali su Zeytin prije manje od godinu dana. Nasmijana petorka „krstila“ je bend nazivom „maslina“(u prijevodu) zato što simbolizira mir. Nastup na Seasplashu im je tek drugi veći nastup. Karijeru su započeli jam sessionima po istanbulskim pubovima i u kućama svojih prijatelja. Pjesme koje izvode su uglavnom rock i reggae coveri na engleskom i španjolskom, no trude se imati što više autorskih stvari. Nadaju se da će što prije snimiti album, po mogućnosti već sljedeće godine, tako da mogu sudjelovati na što više festivala te odraditi vlastite koncerte.

Melissa: Polovica ekipe se zna iz srednje škole, a polovica s faxa. Ja sam prije pjevala u drugom bendu, no život me odvukao prema Zeytinu. Na Seasplash smo dospjeli zahvaljujući Yvesu i Ivi kojima smo se javili nakon prošlogodišnjeg Goulash Diska na kojem nam je bilo fenomenalno pa smo odlučili doći ovdje kao izvođači. Jako smo zadovoljni jer smo upoznali divne ljude na festivalu i kao što vidite, po cijele dane sviramo na Solar stageu. Također, želimo zahvaliti Mirni iz Muzike Miliona koja nam je organizirala nastup nastup na toj sunčanoj pozornici i svima ostalima koji su naš boravak učinili nezaboravnim (Muzika Miliona, Alter.Ed, Rea Tas, Khalil, Damir, Vibrica).

Ekipa kaže kako se turska alternativna scena u posljednjih pet godina poboljšala te kako često imaju prilike zasvirati s različitim kolektivima. Yunus i Melissa su s prijateljem, Denizom Özerenom pokrenuli inicijativu Jam Sessions Turkey koja okuplja ljubitelje glazbe u svrhu promoviranja pozitivnih društvenih promjena u duhu zajednice.

Yunus: Uskoro nam izlaze dvije nove autorske stvari, a onda i album nakon što vidimo reakcije ljudi. Sad kad su se slegli festivalski dojmovi, objavit ćemo snimke, a naše objave možete pratiti na Facebooku.

The interview: Zeytin (ENG)
Melissa Clissold, Metin Özçakır, Yunus Kart, Erhan Keskin and Alper Çakıroğlufounded Zeytin for less than a year. Smiling quintet "baptized" the band"olive" (in translation) because it symbolizes peace. Performance on Seasplash to them is only the second higher performance. Their career began with jam sessions at Istanbul's pubs and their friends houses. The songs they perform are mainly rock and reggae covers in English and Spanish, but they're trying to have as many of their own songs. They are hoping to make a new album within the next year and then further take part in festivals and concerts abroad in 2016. as much as possible.

Melissa: Half the teams are known from high school, and half of the college. I used to sing in another band, but life dragged me to the Zeytin. We're very thankful to Yves and Iva for arriving to the festival cause we went to Goulash Disko last year where we had a great time, so we decided to come here as artists. We are very pleased to have met wonderful people at the festival and as you can see, all day playing at the Solar Stage. We would also like to thank Mirna for organising our acoustic set there and everyone else at this stage (Muzika Miliona, Vibrica, Alter.Ed, Rea Tas, Khalil.M, Damir) that made the festival unforgettable.

The team says that the Turkish alternative scenehas improved in the last five years, and they often have the opportunity to play with different collectives.Yunus and Melissa together with another friend Deniz Özeren have also started a new initiative Jam Sessions Turkey which aim to bring musicians and musiclovers together and push for positive social change through community spirit.

Yunus: Soon we're coming out with two new tunes, and hopefully the album after we see the reactions of people. Keep following our Facebook page for updates @zeytinmusic . We also have our own website where you can access other social media accounts and vidoes: www.zeytinmusic.com. We will be uploading videos from Goulash/Seasplash as soon as possible.
Tekst:   Lovorka Ibrić


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