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4. Kolovoz 2010

Lutan Fyah @ Seasplash festival 2010.

Razgovor s reggae legendom na Seasplash festivalu
Na ovogodišnjem Seasplash festivalu bome nismo ljenčarili! Uspjeli smo za rukav uloviti Lutan Fyaha, ovogodišnju zvijezdu festivala koji je došao ravno s Jamajke. Popričali smo s njim o njegovoj bivšoj nogometnoj karijeri, velikoj ljubavi- glazbi, još malo o nogometu, Buju Bantonu... No, da ne trkeljamo, pročitajte i sami što nam je Lutan Fyah rekao...

Reggae.hr: Please introduce yourself to readers of Reggae.hr?
Lutan Fyah: Yeah. Greetings to Reggae.hr. Give thanks. This is Lutan Fyah outta Jamaica. Representing reggae music, this great message music from outta Jamaica. I've come so far to come and be a part of this great family in Croatia. So, we give thanks every time. Lutan Fyah. Bless!

Reggae.hr: How did you decide to leave professional football career and decided to dedicate yourself to reggae music?
Lutan Fyah: Well, you know, football is a great comitment, likewise music. And music is forever, football is just for a time. And I did have to make a decision, to choose because, you know, you can't serve two master. You have to do what you have to do. I think it was calling for me to do this music. So I'm doing it, I love doing it, I enjoy doing it more. 'Couse I did for myself more. I understand what I'm doing. I mean, in football you have a team, you know. Sometime everybody don't understand what they doing together. Yeah, this is totally different. I do this individually. So, for me, this is better choice because this is the way I get to convey the message of Rastafari to the people. So, they can actually hear a good music and good news through music, you know.

Reggae.hr: You do influence a lot of people through your music.
Lutan Fyah: I think people love my music and they always want to hear new Lutan Fyah. I can't say I see these people as my fans. When I come out to the world, people always want to come to Lutan Fyah concerts. Give thanks.

Reggae.hr: Can you tell us something more about collaborations with Buju Banton at begining of your career?
Lutan Fyah: Buju is a fella. Buju is an icon, you know. Gargamel recording studio is place where we used to hang out, vibes, sing songs and create music. I always respect Buju style because, you know, Buju is a man with a great career, and we admire that as youth. So, we always respect and love that. Apriciate that he could allow us to come to his place to do music. Give thanks.

Reggae.hr: You're mostly roots/reggae artist but you recorded song with Rusko, „Soundguy is my Target". How do you find yourself in dubstep music?
Lutan Fyah:
You know, Music is music for me. I do music like whatever it's music I see. It doesn't mean I'll always being singing roots or singing dancehall, hip hop or whatever. Whatever music comes to me, I sing it, do a lot of dubplates, a lot of recordings, understand? Not really I specialized any specific genre of music. I just do music.

Reggae.hr: Will you experiment in future with more electronic music?
Lutan Fyah: Yeah, well I said before. Music is music for me and I will always do new things, you know.

Reggae.hr: Have you heard of Croatia before?
Lutan Fyah: Yeah, Jamaica played Croatia in World cup 1998 and Croatia won. Croatia beat us 2:1 in France. That's first time I heard about Croatia.

Reggae.hr: And do you maybe remember some players that played that match?
Lutan Fyah: Davor Šuker

Reggae.hr: And how did you like it tonight?
Lutan Fyah: I think tonight is great, you know. Yeah, tonight was great, I love the people, you know.

Reggae.hr: And girls?
Lutan Fyah: So beautiful. It was, like, girls are to pretty for me.

Reggae.hr: Are you staying here for a while and will you do some sightseeing?
Lutan Fyah: I leave this morning and next stop is Italy.

Reggae.hr: Your grandfather's soundsystem, how did it influenced on you? In wich ways?
Lutan Fyah: Well, I was born doing music because of the soundsystem, you know, and I grew up involved in dancehall and music. Lot of talented musicans and singers used to come to my place to rehearse and things like that. So I used to see a lot of people who was powerful in music.

Reggae.hr: Was it hard for you to breakthrough?
Lutan Fyah: I just sing, you know. I just sing and things happen. I just sing and people know me. I don't know what else to say. I won't say it easy and I won't say it hard because it just happen like that. Give thanks.

Reggae.hr: For end what would your message be for readers of Reggae.hr?
Lutan Fyah: More fire!! Call the brigade, call the cities on fire! I say nuff love to each and everyone. Live in love and love will carry us thru. Without love we are nothing, we're like child, like wind that blow it away. So all we need is sure love and grow love. More love! Bless and love!


Tekst:   Tomislav Milićević i Mirna Petak


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